資料集 關於 資料集 DG_001_0007, Geshe Damchoe Gyaltsen on Gedun Drub, "Clarifying the Path to Li... 此資料集沒有說明 NL_002_0255, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Jam-yang-shay-ba, "Great Exposition of ... 此資料集沒有說明 LA_002_0048, Lati Rinpoche on "Concentrations and Formless Absorptions" 禪定與無色界定 此資料集沒有說明 LA_001_0027, La-ti-Rin-po-che-bsdus-grwa-at-UVa 此資料集沒有說明 DG_001_0015, Geshe Damchoe Gyaltsen on Gedun Drub, "Clarifying the Path to Li... 此資料集沒有說明 NL_002_0317, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Jam-yang-shay-ba, "Great Exposition of ... 此資料集沒有說明 NL_002_0290, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Jam-yang-shay-ba, "Great Exposition of ... 此資料集沒有說明 DG_001_0020, Geshe Damchoe Gyaltsen on Gedun Drub, "Clarifying the Path to Li... 此資料集沒有說明 DG_001_0048, Geshe Damchoe Gyaltsen on Gedun Drub, "Clarifying the Path to Li... 此資料集沒有說明 KW_001_0027, Geshe Konchok Wangdu on Gedun Drub, "Clarifying the Path to Libe... 此資料集沒有說明 LA_002_0019, Lati Rinpoche on "Concentrations and Formless Absorptions" 禪定與無色界定 此資料集沒有說明 NL_003_0048, Kensur Nawang Lekden teaching Jam-yang-shay-ba's Great Expositio... 此資料集沒有說明 NL_003_0141, Kensur Nawang Lekden teaching Jam-yang-shay-ba's Great Expositio... 此資料集沒有說明 ZP_002_0083, Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche on Mipam Gyatso, "The Meaning of Fundame... 此資料集沒有說明 LA_002_0070, Lati Rinpoche on "Concentrations and Formless Absorptions" 禪定與無色界定 此資料集沒有說明 NL_002_0244, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Jam-yang-shay-ba, "Great Exposition of ... 此資料集沒有說明 DG_002_0035, Geshe Damchoe Gyaltsen on Vasubandhu, "Treasury of Knowledge": C... 此資料集沒有說明 NL_003_0131, Kensur Nawang Lekden teaching Jam-yang-shay-ba's Great Expositio... 此資料集沒有說明 NL_002_0125, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Jam-yang-shay-ba, "Great Exposition of ... 此資料集沒有說明 NL_002_0327, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Jam-yang-shay-ba, "Great Exposition of ... 此資料集沒有說明 « 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 ... 50 »