Event ID collection


rdf:type data:Refined, voc:Event, r4r:Data
r4r:locateAt http://data.odw.tw/event/doids
skos:definition Event ID collection. Two main categories of events are identified as Known Event and Un-known Event. The event types listed are limited to current datasets, and can be extended.
rdf:type voc:KnownEvent, schema:PublicationEvent
skos:editorialNote In R1, terms extracted from date: "出版年份 (日本年號), 出版日期, 種命名發表年代 ..." No coverage information extracted from current dataset.
skos:scopeNote Process of physical resources inprinting, publication, publication issuing, taxon publication, broadcasting...
rdf:type voc:KnownEvent, schema:SocialEvent
skos:editorialNote In R1, terms extracted from coverage: "辦理地點..." or from date: "舉行時間, 辦理週期..."
skos:scopeNote Process of behaviour like organizing...
rdf:type schema:PhotographAction, voc:KnownEvent
skos:editorialNote In R1, terms extracted from coverage: "拍攝地, 拍攝地點, 攝影地點 ..." or from date: "拍攝日, 原拍攝時間 (中曆), 攝影時間 ..."
skos:scopeNote Process of photo taking...
rdf:type schema:OrganizeAction, voc:KnownEvent
skos:editorialNote In R1, terms extracted from date: "Recording Date, 建檔日期, 數位化日期 ..." No coverage information extracted from current dataset.
skos:scopeNote Process of data creation, modification, update, digitalization, recording...
rdf:type schema:PublicationEvent, voc:KnownEvent
skos:editorialNote In R1, terms extracted from date and are further identified in digital forms: "首播日期, 出版日期, 發表日期 ..." No coverage information extracted from current dataset.
skos:scopeNote Process of digital publication, broadcasting...
rdf:type schema:OrganizeAction, voc:KnownEvent
skos:editorialNote In R1, terms extracted from coverage: "標本館號 ..." No date information extracted from current dataset.
skos:scopeNote Process of physical resource curation...
rdf:type voc:UnKnownEvent
skos:editorialNote In R1 version, terms extracted from coverage: "地點, 位置與範圍, 區域位置 ..." or from date: "西曆, 中曆, 年代資訊 ..."
skos:scopeNote Something happened at some place. The resource is only with spatial or temporal information. The event types are not identified yet, and can be further refined when event types are identified or defined.
rdf:type voc:KnownEvent, schema:CreateAction
skos:editorialNote In R1, terms extracted from coverage: "採集地, 採集緯度, 採集礦區 ..." or from date: "創作日期, 原製作年代, 採集時間..."
skos:scopeNote Process of cultural object creation, taxon assignment, specimen collection, writing...
rdf:type schema:UseAction, voc:KnownEvent, schema:CheckAction, schema:FindAction, schema:DiscoverAction
skos:editorialNote In R1, terms extracted from coverage: "產地, 地質分區, 所屬族群 ..." or from date: "使用年代, 出生年, 卒年 ..."
skos:scopeNote Mixed types of events like using, identification, determination of the object's origin...
rdf:type schema:ScreeningEvent, voc:KnownEvent
skos:editorialNote In R1, terms extracted from date: "拍攝日期 ..." No coverage information can be extracted from current dataset.
skos:scopeNote Process of video filming...


rdf:type prov:Activity, data:Provenance, r4r:Provenance
prov:wasAssociatedWith agent:q20872470, http://data.odw.tw
prov:startedAtTime 2016-06-20T10:23:44.012338+08:00
prov:endedAtTime 2016-06-20T10:23:44.015926+08:00
prov:atLocation gns:6728700
r4r:isPackagedWith evt84:doids
r4r:hasLicense CC4.0:BY