A Linked Open Data Repository Built with CKAN


rdf:type r4r:Article
r4r:locateAt http://data.odw.tw/article/20161004
  • 馬德里, 西班牙
  • Madrid, Spain
  • Cheng-Jen Lee, Andrea Wei-Ching Huang and Tyng-Ruey Chuang
  • 李承錱, 黃韋菁, 莊庭瑞
dc:date 2016-10-04
dc:description We are currently using CKAN to build a linked open data (LOD) repository (http://data.odw.tw) which stores and displays 840,000 CC-licensed digital resources from the Union Catalog of Digital Archives Taiwan (http://catalog.digitalarchives.tw/). People can explore all resources in well-formed table views, find resources by keywords, facets, time ranges, or spatial extents thanks to CKAN's powerful search capabilities. Resources (in RDF format) were loaded to our CKAN instance through a custom harvester modified from the one provided by ckanext-dcat extension (https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-dcat), which also provides the ability to export each resource in various linked data formats. Meanwhile, a SPARQL endpoint provided by Openlink Virtuoso (http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/doc/dav/wiki/Main/) is integrated into CKAN's interface for advanced usage. In this talk, we would like to share what we have done (including modifications to CKAN and some extensions), the challenges we face, and some remaining issues that need to be addressed.
dc:format PDF
dc:identifier DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32957.67043
dc:language English
dc:publisher CKANCon 2016
dc:relation http://ckan.org/ckancon-2016/
dc:rights CC BY 4.0
  • http://m.odw.tw/u/odw/m/20161004-ckancon-sls/
  • https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.ckan.org/ckancon-2016/slides/ckancon-2016-chengjen-lee-2.pptx
  • http://m.odw.tw/u/odw/m/20161004-ckancon-abs/
dc:subject CKAN, LOD, semantics, archive, catalog
dc:title A Linked Open Data Repository Built with CKAN
dc:type Workshop Presentation
r4r:hasProvenance http://data.odw.tw/article/p20161125-20161004


rdf:type prov:Activity, r4r:Provenance
prov:wasAssociatedWith http://data.odw.tw, agent:q20872470
prov:startedAtTime 2016-12-01T17:09:10.540594+08:00
prov:endedAtTime 2016-12-01T17:09:10.542404+08:00
prov:atLocation gns:6728700
r4r:hasLicense CC4.0:BY