rdf:type |
r4r:locateAt |
dcat:themeTaxonomy |
dc:coverage |
- coordinates定位: E121.3997453 N23.6935189; 東121.3997453 北23.6935189
- time period時代: Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008); 中華民國,二戰後(1945-2008)
dc:creator |
Ann Meifang Lin, Oliver Streiter, Yoann Goudin; 林美芳, 奧利華, 顧友友
dc:date |
dc:description |
- The tomb is located in Taiwan, Hualianxian, Shoufengxiang, Xikoucun, Shoufengxiang dier gongmu, completely Seediq. The characters of this tombstone are carved, and they are gold, . The tombstone is rectangular. , The elements on this tombstone are (religion)(person)(date). The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here is (religion & cross). ; 這是一個在台灣,花蓮縣,壽豐鄉,溪口村,壽豐鄉第二公墓,全為賽德克族發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的, 而後塗上金色。這個墓碑的形狀是四邊形。這個墓碑上所紀載的訊息包括「種族別」、「人」、「日期」。墓碑上方左右對稱的部份是訊息的「焦點」。這個墓碑的焦點是「宗教別與十字架形」。
- writing direction書寫方向: top to bottom, right to left; 由上到下,由右到左
- gender性別: male; 男
- family name姓名: 沈(SHEN3)
dc:format |
- mime-type網際網路媒體型式: image/jpeg
- size大小: 955222 bytes; 955222 位元組
dc:identifier |
stoneURL墓碑的統一資源定位符: http://thakbong.dyndns.tv/image/24509
dc:language |
- spoken language口語: probably Modern Standard Mandarin; 可能是華語
- script文字: Chinese; 中文
dc:publisher |
數位化執行單位: 數墓:台灣墓碑數位為典藏、教學、及研究
dc:relation |
- graveyard墓園: http://thakbong.dyndns.tv/graveyard/119
- tomb墓: http://thakbong.dyndns.tv/tomb/10564
dc:rights |
- public domain公有領域: after 2053-12-31; 2053-12-31 以後
- cc統一資源定位符: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic 2011-06-30; 從2011-06-30以來姓名標示-非商業性-禁止改作 2.5 通用版 (CC BY-NC-ND 2.5)
- 數位檔案管理權: Department of Western Language and Literature, National University of Kaohsiung; 國立高雄大學西洋語文學系
dc:subject |
type種類: full tomb; 全墓
dc:title |
Tombstone of 沈 (SHEN3) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Shoufengxiang, Xikoucun, Shoufengxiang dier gongmu, completely Seediq. The tombstone-ID is 10790; 台灣,花蓮縣,壽豐鄉,溪口村,壽豐鄉第二公墓,全為賽德克族,沈姓之墓碑。
dc:type |
still image; 靜態圖像
r4r:hasProvenance |