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rdf:type data:Reused, r4r:RRObject, dcat:Dataset
r4r:locateAt http://data.odw.tw/record/d534917
dcat:themeTaxonomy data:Anthropology
dc:contributor 核心人物:馬偕
dc:coverage 攝製地點:A-li-sai etc. all in Tsoan-chiu Toa- o
dc:creator 馬偕
dc:date 發生時間: 1887/03/08
dc:description 內容摘要說明:Left Ki-bu-lan passed through Tan-koe-soaN and extracted teeth. Then on to Lo-tong. At both places we were invited in to tea---- after going a little through mud. We came to a nice hard road. and at noon arrived at A-li-sai Where we found an Ox killed for us and two Deer as present for me---- After dinner went to Chheng-kui-siaN. were invited in to tea. Then went to Tiong-chiu-iaN-poaN also invited to tea-then to Pat-li-sa. Then Ge-bai. The valley is like letter wide at the mouth nearest the Kap-tsu-lan plain and getting narrower as it runs Westwards. A wooded range of mountains. Stand on each Side like a wall. There I saw Savages roam. Men were at work digging the soil for the first time. Nothing but tall grass' reeds raspberries bushes etc. grew. Spears stood in the ground all around the men digging with hoes. Indeed each men had his spear within two or three feet of him. Lest the Savages sh'd make a raid-------- We went right up to the tall grass which was not cut and found that the boundary at present. About 20 PiN-po-hoan accompanied us with guns--- as they Spent much time in the woods hunting deer and the wild boar. Some houses have 50 deer skulls and as many boar skulls in front above the door. The soil is a rich black loan and has only to be turned up and Seed put in-------------- In the eve. at A-li-sai the people made a platform in front of the house In which we stayed' then at dark put a row on each side of bamboo in the ground 10 feet high' oil being poured in the top paper Stuck in and lighted. Then I preached' 500 five hundred being present by actual counting. Glorious Meeting! Savages only half mile away in the wooded mountain ranges. The singing was grand! -----
dc:format 原件數位化後格式:image/jpeg
dc:identifier 登錄號:18870308
  • 原文:英文
  • 譯文:中文
  • 後設資料提供單位:真理大學宗教學系(所)
  • 典藏單位:真理大學校史館
dc:source 人類學組共通欄位「私家文書資料庫」
dc:title 18870308
  • 文本
  • 私家文書-日記
r4r:hasProvenance http://data.odw.tw/record/p20160530-d534917


Field Value
rdf:type data:Provenance, r4r:Provenance, prov:Activity
rdf:type voc:CatalogRecord, prov:Revision, dcat:Catalog
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prov:value 典藏機構與計畫:公開徵選計畫:真理大學:宗教學系:馬偕與牛津學堂, 內容主題:人類學:總類:美洲:北美:加拿大, 內容主題:人類學:臺灣原住民族:平埔族群:總類:私家文書
data:objectID 534917
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prov:wasRevisionOf http://content.ndap.org.tw/upload/au/image/privatedoc/1887/B61887-0308-2-0.jpg
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rdfs:comment MetaDesc license, ICON license
prov:generatedAtTime 2005/07/29 0:32:57
prov:wasAssociatedWith agent:q20872470, http://data.odw.tw
prov:startedAtTime 2016-05-31T08:55:54.341882+08:00
prov:endedAtTime 2016-05-31T08:55:54.345353+08:00
prov:atLocation gns:6728700
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rdfs:comment MetaDesc license, ICON license
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