rdf:type |
r4r:locateAt |
dcat:themeTaxonomy |
dc:contributor |
- Tape recorder: Jeffrey Hopkins
- Donator: Jeffrey Hopkins
dc:coverage |
- Temporal: 14th century
- Spatial: Tibet
dc:creator |
- Speaker: Kensur Yeshe Tupden (ye shes thub ldan, b. 1916-1988, 耶喜圖敦喇嘛), Abbot Emeritus of Lo-sel-ling College of Drepung Monastery
- Author: Bu-don Rin-chen-drup / bu ston rin chen grub / 布敦‧仁欽朱 (1290-1364)
dc:date |
Recording Date: 1985
dc:description |
- Recording Location: University of Virginia, U.S.A.
- AcquireMethod: Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins
- 原音下載網址(Mp3URL): http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/voice/Yeshe_Tubten/YT_004_Bu_ston_on_Sutra_and_Tantra/YT_004_0005.mp3
- 原資料庫網頁(Mp3WebPage): http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/haaweb/webpages/Yeshe_Tubten/Yeshe_Tubten.htm#bu_ston
- Notes: A general presentation on the difference between sutra and tantra from the point of view of the famous Sa-kya scholar Bu-ston
dc:format |
- FileSize: 237,533 Kb
- SampleRate: 44.1 KHz
- SingleStereo: single
- FileType: mp3
- AudioBitRate: 705 Kbps
- Quantity: 1 file
- Duration: 00:45:58
- Medium: digital file
dc:identifier |
dc:language |
dc:relation |
- Is Based On: Bu-don Rin-chen-drup, Extensive General Presentation of the Tantra Sets, Key Opening the Door to the Precious Treasury of Tantra Sets (rgyud sde spyi'i rnam par gzhag pa rgyud sde rin po che'i mdzes rgyan, Collected Works, New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture, 1969), Vol. 15, 6.1-32.5); Dzong-ka-ba's Stages of the Path to a Conqueror and Pervasive Master, a Great Vajradhara: Revealing All Secret Topics (rgyal ba khyab bdag rdo rje 'chang chen po'i lam gyi rim pa gsang ba kun gyi gnad rnam par phye ba). P6210, vol. 161 (Toh.5281),
- Great Exposition of Secret Mantra in H.H. the Dalai Lama, Tsong-ka-pa, and Jeffrey Hopkins, Tantra in Tibet (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1977; reprint Ithaca: Snow Lion, 1987); Portions of Jeffrey Hopkins, Tantric Techniques; Jeffrey Hopkins, Reason as the Prime Principle in Dzong-ka-ba's Delineating Deity Yoga as the Demarcation Between Sutra and Tantra," Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, vol. 7, No. 2, 1984, 95-115. Tenzin Gyatso and Hopkins, The Kalachakra Tantra: Rite of Initiation for the Stage of Generation, 1985), 23-30.
dc:rights |
- DigiCopyOwners: Jeffrey Hopkins | Chung-hwa Institue of Buddhist Studies
- HolderName: Jeffrey Hopkins
- AccessRestriction: nonprofit, for education and research
- DigiCopyCollocations: Dharma Drum Mountain, Taipei
- OriginalProvider: Jeffrey Hopkins
dc:source |
Hopkins' archive
dc:subject |
- SubjectMatter: Bu-don (布敦) on the differences between sutra and tantra , mdo sngags gnyis kyi khyad par, 《顯教與密乘之差異》
- Genre: General Presentation
- Keywords: pha rol tu phyin pa'i theg pa/Perfection Vehicle/paramitayana/波羅密多乘; mdo'i theg pa/Sutra Vehicle/sutrayana/經乘; mdo sngags gnyis kyi khye par/ difference between sutra and mantra/顯教與密乘的差異; sngags kyi theg pa/secret mantra vehicle/mantrayana|vajrayana/密乘|金剛乘; rgyud/tantra/密續; gsang sngags/secret mantra/密咒; sa skya/Sa-kya/薩迦; bu lugs/布敦派; rigs/lineage/派別; thabs/method/upaya/方便; shes rab/wisdom/prajna/般若; Tripitikamala/Lamp for the Three Modes; phar phyin drug/six perfections/六波羅密多; lha'i rnal 'byor/deity yoga/devayoga/本尊瑜伽; rgyud sde bzhi/four tantra sets/四部密續; bya rgyud/action tantra/事部; spyod rgyud/performance tantra/kriyatantra/行部; rnal 'byor rgyud/yogatantra/caryatantra/瑜伽部; rnal 'byor bla med kyi rgyud/highest yoga tantra/anutarrayogatantra/無上瑜伽部
- Sect: Sa-kya; Bu-lugs
dc:title |
YT_004_0005, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-don's "Difference Between Sutra and Tantra" 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》
dc:type |
r4r:hasProvenance |