YT_002_0045, Yeshe Tupden on the "Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition" (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad ma'i bstan bcos chen mo'i rigs pa'i rgyan)
Get Refined RecordsMETADATA
Field | Value |
rdf:type | data:Reused, r4r:RRObject, dcat:Dataset |
r4r:locateAt | |
dcat:themeTaxonomy | data:Multimedia |
dc:contributor |
dc:coverage |
dc:creator |
dc:date | Recording Date: 1986 |
dc:description |
dc:format |
dc:identifier | YT_002_0045 |
dc:language | Tibetan |
dc:relation | Is Based On: dge 'dun grub's Tshad ma'i bstan bcos chen mo'i rigs pa'i rgyan) |
dc:rights |
dc:source | Hopkins' archive |
dc:subject |
dc:title | YT_002_0045, Yeshe Tupden on the "Ornament of Reasonings on Valid Cognition" (Tshad ma rigs rgyan) 《量理莊嚴論》 or 《量論理莊嚴》(Tshad ma'i bstan bcos chen mo'i rigs pa'i rgyan) |
dc:type | voice |
r4r:hasProvenance | |