LO_006_0001, Denma Locho Rinpoche on Tibetan Debate 西藏辯經

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rdf:type data:Reused, r4r:RRObject, dcat:Dataset
r4r:locateAt http://data.odw.tw/record/d3307662
dcat:themeTaxonomy data:Multimedia
  • Donator: Jeffrey Hopkins
  • Tape recorder: Jeffrey Hopkins
  • Temporal: 20th century
  • Spatial: Tibet
  • Author: yongs 'dzin phur bu lcog blo bzang tshul khrims byams pa rgya mtsho / 普卜究 (1825-1901)
  • Speaker: Denma Locho Rinpoche (ldan ma blo chos, b. 1928, 登馬洛確仁波切). Abbot Emeritus of Namgyal Monastery, India.
dc:date Recording Date: 1988
  • 原音下載網址(Mp3URL): http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/voice/Locho/LO_006_Tibetan_Debate/LO_006_0001.mp3
  • AcquireMethod: Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins
  • Notes: The debate textbook "Magical Key to the Path of Reasoning, Presentation of the Collected Topics Revealing the Meaning of the Treatises on Prime Cognition" discusses a number of topics related to texts on valid cognition and presents numerous example debates as well as the Ge-luk understanding of the Sautantika definitions, divisions, and illustrations of these topics. In this file Lati Rinpoche discusses describes the debate procedure in terms of debates on colors.
  • Recording Location: University of Virginia, U.S.A.
  • 原資料庫網頁(Mp3WebPage): http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/haaweb/webpages/Denma_Locho/Denma_Locho.htm#debate
  • AudioBitRate: 705 Kbps
  • FileType: mp3
  • Quantity: 1 file
  • Medium: digital file
  • SampleRate: 44.1 KHz
  • FileSize: 240,458 Kb
  • Duration: 00:46:32
  • SingleStereo: single
dc:identifier LO_006_0001
dc:language Tibetan
  • Portions of Daniel Perdue's "Debate in Tibetan Buddhism" (Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications, 1989).
  • Is Based On: Yong-dzin Pur-bu-jok, "Magical Key to the Path of Reasoning, Presentation of the Collected Topics Revealing the Meaning of the Treatises on Prime Cognition." yongs 'dzin phur bu lcog blo bzang tshul khrims byams pa rgya mtsho, "tshad ma'i gzhung don 'byed ba'i bsdus grwa'i rnam bzhag rigs lam 'phrul gyi lde mig - rig lam chung ngu'i rnam par bshad pa.
  • DigiCopyOwners: Jeffrey Hopkins | Chung-hwa Institue of Buddhist Studies
  • OriginalProvider: Jeffrey Hopkins
  • DigiCopyCollocations: Dharma Drum Mountain, Taipei
  • AccessRestriction: nonprofit, for education and research
  • HolderName: Jeffrey Hopkins
dc:source Hopkins' archive
  • Genre: Collected Topics (bsdus grwa).
  • Sect: dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格魯
  • SubjectMatter: Tibetan dialectical debate; logic; epistemology
  • Keywords: phur bu lcog/Pur-bu-jok/普卜究|普布覺; bsdus grwa/Collected Topics/攝類學; chos rtsod/debate/辯經; tshad ma/valid cognition/pramana/量; chos kyi grags pa/Dharmakirti/法稱; tshad ma rnam 'grel/pramanavartika/釋量論; rtog ge/logic/邏輯; kha dog/colors/顏色; gzhi grub/established bases/成事; ldog pa/isolates/vyavrtti/反體; rgyu 'bras/cause and effect/因果; yin log/opposite from being/反是; spyi bye brag/generalities and particulars/總別; 'gal 'brel/mutually exclusive and related/相違與關係; gzhan sel/other excluders/排他; 'jug grub/positive engagers/成立; yod rtogs med rtogs/realizing as existent and non-existent/了解有無
dc:title LO_006_0001, Denma Locho Rinpoche on Tibetan Debate 西藏辯經
dc:type voice
r4r:hasProvenance http://data.odw.tw/record/p20160530-d3307662


Field Value
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