rdf:type |
r4r:locateAt |
dcat:themeTaxonomy |
dc:contributor |
- Donator: Jeffrey Hopkins
- Tape recorder: Jeffrey Hopkins
dc:coverage |
- Temporal: 18th century
- Spatial: Tibet
dc:creator |
- Author: Jam-yang-shay-ba / Jamyangshaypa / 'jam dbyangs bzhad pa / 蔣揚協巴 (1648-1721)
- Speaker: Denma Locho Rinpoche (ldan ma blo chos, b. 1928, 登馬洛確仁波切). Abbot Emeritus of Namgyal Monastery, India.
dc:date |
Recording Date: 1988
dc:description |
- AcquireMethod: Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins
- 原資料庫網頁(Mp3WebPage): http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/haaweb/webpages/Denma_Locho/Denma_Locho.htm#concentrations
- Recording Location: University of Virginia, U.S.A.
- Notes: The meditations known as the concentrations (bsam gtan, dhyana) and formless absorptions (gzugs med kyi snyoms 'jug, arupyasamapatti) are derived from Vasubandhu's Treasury of Manifest Knowledge (abhidharmakosa, chos mngon pa'i mdzod) and its Autocommentary (bhasya, bshad pa)
- 原音下載網址(Mp3URL): http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/voice/Locho/LO_004_Concentrations_and_Meditative_Absorptions/LO_004_0010.mp3
dc:format |
- Duration: 00:45:39
- SingleStereo: single
- SampleRate: 44.1 KHz
- Medium: digital file
- Quantity: 1 file
- FileType: mp3
- AudioBitRate: 705 Kbps
- FileSize: 235,953 Kb
dc:identifier |
dc:language |
dc:relation |
- Leah Zahler, Study and Practice of Meditation Tibetan Interpretations of the Concentrations and Formless Absorptions (Snow Lion Publications, 2006)
- Is Based On: Jam-yang-shay-ba's Great Exposition of the Concentrations and Formless Absorptions/Treatise on the Presentations of the Con-centrative and Formless Absorptions, Adornment Beautifying the Subduer's Teaching, Ocean of Scripture and Reasoning, Delighting the Fortunate bsam gzugs chen mo/bsam gzugs kyi snyoms 'jug rnams gyi rnam par bzhag pa'i bstan bcos thub bstan mdzes rgyan lung dang rigs pa'i rgya mtsho skal bzang dga' byed).
dc:rights |
- OriginalProvider: Jeffrey Hopkins
- DigiCopyOwners: Jeffrey Hopkins | Chung-hwa Institue of Buddhist Studies
- DigiCopyCollocations: Dharma Drum Mountain, Taipei
- HolderName: Jeffrey Hopkins
- AccessRestriction: nonprofit, for education and research
dc:source |
Hopkins' archive
dc:subject |
- Keywords: bsam gtan/concentration/dhyana/定|禪定|靜慮; gzugs med kyi snyoms 'jug/formless absorption/arupyasamapatti/無色界定; dbyig gnyen/Vasabandhu/世親; chos mngon mdzod/Treasury of Manifest Knowledge/Abhidharmakosa/俱舍論|阿毗達磨俱舍論; Auto-Commentary on the Treasury of Manifest Knowledge/俱舍釋論; mngon pa kun btus/Compendium of Manifest Knowledge/abhidhamasamuccaya/大乘阿毗達磨集論; thogs med/Asanga/無著; nyan thos kyi sa/grounds of hearer/sravaka bhumi/聲聞地; zhi gnas/clam abiding/止; dmigs pa/object of oberservation/alambana|upalambha|upalabdhi/所緣境; lhag mthong/special insight/vipasyana/觀; dbugs 'byung rngub/the exhalation and the inhalation of the breath/anabana/安般念; mnyam gzhag/meditative equipoise/samahita/根本定; 'od gsal/Clear light/abhasvara|prabhasvara/光明心; sems gnas dgu/nine mental abidings/navakaracittasthiti/九住心
- Genre: Portion of a Critical Analysis with oral commentary
- SubjectMatter: Concentrations and formless absorptions (bsam gzugs)
- Sect: dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格魯
dc:title |
LO_004_0010, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定
dc:type |
r4r:hasProvenance |