LO_001_0014, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Perfection of Wisdom 般若
Get Refined RecordsMETADATA
Field | Value |
rdf:type | data:Reused, r4r:RRObject, dcat:Dataset |
r4r:locateAt | http://data.odw.tw/record/d3307583 |
dcat:themeTaxonomy | data:Multimedia |
dc:contributor |
dc:coverage |
dc:creator |
dc:date | Recording Date: 1988 |
dc:description |
dc:format |
dc:identifier | LO_001_0014 |
dc:language | Tibetan |
dc:relation | Is Based On: Pan-chen So-nam-drak-ba (pan chen bsod nams grags pa, 1478–1554) General Meaning of (Maitreya's) "Ornament for Clear Realization" / A Good Explanation of the Meaning of (Gyel-tsap's) "Explanation Illuminating the Meaning of (Maitreya's) 'Treatise of Quintessential Instructions on the Perfection of Wisdom, Ornament for Clear Realization,' Together with Its Commen-taries, Ornament for the Essence," A Lamp Illuminating the Meaning of the Mother [Perfection of Wisdom Sutras] phar phyin spyi don/shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag gi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs pa'i rgyan 'grel pa dang bcas pa'i rnam bshad snying po rgyan gyi don legs par bshad pa yum don gsal ba'i sgron me |
dc:rights |
dc:source | Hopkins' archive |
dc:subject |
dc:title | LO_001_0014, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Perfection of Wisdom 般若 |
dc:type | voice |
r4r:hasProvenance | http://data.odw.tw/record/p20160530-d3307583 |