Field | Value |
rdf:type | data:Reused, r4r:RRObject, dcat:Dataset |
r4r:locateAt | http://data.odw.tw/record/d534232 |
dcat:themeTaxonomy | data:Anthropology |
dc:contributor | 核心人物:馬偕 |
dc:creator | 馬偕 |
dc:date | 發生時間: 1885/04/06 |
dc:description | 內容摘要說明:Ther. 79'. wrote letters for home mail. Very hot. A German Missionary wife and 38 girls came over and they sang we had a very nice time I escorted them to their boat. came back and wrote a letter to bro. James. Sent my Photo and Sun-a's-- Mine for Mother |
dc:format | 原件數位化後格式:image/jpeg |
dc:identifier | 登錄號:18850406 |
dc:language |
dc:rights |
dc:source | 人類學組共通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 |
dc:title | 18850406 |
dc:type |
r4r:hasProvenance | http://data.odw.tw/record/p20160530-d534232 |