大陸名: 台灣姬魚

Field | Value |
rdf:type | data:Reused, r4r:RRObject, dcat:Dataset |
r4r:locateAt | http://data.odw.tw/record/d4351823 |
dcat:themeTaxonomy | data:Biology |
dc:creator | 命名者: (Lee & Chao, 1994) |
dc:date | 資料修訂日期: 2012-03-05 15:50:19 |
dc:description |
dc:identifier | 全球唯一識別碼: urn:lsid:fishdb.sinica.edu.tw:catalogue:380829 |
dc:language | 中文;英文 |
dc:publisher | 負責人: 邵廣昭 |
dc:relation | A new aulopid species, Aulopus formosanus (Aulopiformes: Aulopodidae) from Taiwan. Zool. Stud. 33(3): 211-216(Lee et Chao, 1994);Fishes of Japan(Nakabo, 2002);Thompson, B.A. 1998 Redescription of Aulopus bajacali Parin & Kotlyar, 1984, comments on its relationships and new distribution records. Ichthyol. Res. 45(1):43-51. |
dc:rights | 中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心 |
dc:source |
dc:subject | 科中文名: 仙女魚科 |
dc:title |
dc:type | 紀錄類別: 魚類名錄 |
r4r:hasProvenance | http://data.odw.tw/record/p20160530-d4351823 |