rdf:type |
r4r:locateAt |
dcat:themeTaxonomy |
dc:contributor |
- Tape recorder: Jeffrey Hopkins
- Donator: Jeffrey Hopkins
dc:coverage |
- Spatial: Tibet
- Temporal: 15th century
dc:creator |
- Author: tsong kha pa / Dzong-ka-ba / 宗喀巴 (1357-1419)
- Speaker: Kensur Yeshe Tupden (ye shes thub ldan, b. 1916-1988, 耶喜圖敦喇嘛), Abbot Emeritus of Lo-sel-ling College of Drepung Monastery.
dc:date |
Recording Date: 1986
dc:description |
- Notes: An encyclopedic reference work on Buddhist hermeneutics, including discussion of "Three natures in Mind-Only School"
- Recording Location: University of Virginia, U.S.A.
- AcquireMethod: Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins
- 原資料庫網頁(Mp3WebPage): http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/haaweb/webpages/Yeshe_Tubten/Yeshe_Tubten.htm#essence
- 原音下載網址(Mp3URL): http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/voice/Yeshe_Tubten/YT_008_Essence_of_Good_Explanations/YT_008_0069.mp3
dc:format |
- FileType: mp3
- FileSize: 241,704 Kb
- Quantity: 1 file
- AudioBitRate: 705 Kbps
- SampleRate: 44.1 KHz
- Medium: digital file
- Duration: 00:46:46
- SingleStereo: single
dc:identifier |
dc:language |
dc:relation |
- Is Based On: Dzong-ka-ba's Essence of Good Explanations
- Hopkins, Jeffrey. Emptiness in the Mind-Only School of Buddhism, Dynamic Responses to Dzong-ka-ba's The Essence of Eloquence, Volume 1. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999. Hopkins, Jeffrey. Reflections on Reality: The Three Natures and Non-Natures in the Mind-Only School, Dynamic Responses to Dzong-ka-ba's The Essence of Eloquence, Volume 2. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. Hopkins, Jeffrey. Absorption in No External World, Dynamic Responses to Dzong-ka-ba's The Essence of Eloquence, Volume 3. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.
dc:rights |
- AccessRestriction: nonprofit, for education and research
- DigiCopyOwners: Jeffrey Hopkins | Chung-hwa Institue of Buddhist Studies
- OriginalProvider: Jeffrey Hopkins
- DigiCopyCollocations: Dharma Drum Mountain, Taipei
- HolderName: Jeffrey Hopkins
dc:source |
Hopkins' archive
dc:subject |
- Genre: Portion of a treatise on hermeneutics with oral commentary
- Sect: dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/ Gelukpa/格魯
- Keywords: drang nges legs bshad snying po/The Interpretable and the Definitive: The Essence of the Eloquence/辨了不了義善說藏論; mdo sde dgongs 'grel/Sutra Unraveling the Thought /Samdhinirmocana sutra/解深密經; blo gros mi zad pas bstan pa'i mdo/Sutra Taught by Inexhaustible Intellect/Akshayamati Nirdesa Sutra/無盡慧經; ngo bo nyid rnam gsum/three natures/trisvabhava/三性; yongs su grub pa'i mtshan nyid|yongs grub gyi mtshan nyid/ thoroughly established nature/parinispannalaksna/圓成實性; gzhan gyi dbang gi mtshan nyid|gzhan dbang gi mtshan nyid/other-powered nature/paritantralaksana/依他起性; kun brtags pa'i mtshan nyid|kun btags kyi mtshan nyid/the imputational [imaginary] nature/ parikalpita laksana/遍計所執性; kun gzhi/mind-basis-of-all/alayavijnana/阿賴耶識; byams mgon/Maitreya/彌勒; Asanga/無著; rnal 'byor spyod pa'i sa/Grounds of Yogic Practice/yogacaryabhumi/瑜伽師地論; sems tsam/Mind Only/cittamatra/yogacara/唯識; spyi don med/no external objects; thal gyur pa|dbu ma thal gyur pa/Consequence School/Prasangika/中觀應成派; rang rgyud pa/Autonomy School/Svatantrika/中觀自續派
- SubjectMatter: Dzong-ka-ba's lengthy expostition on Buddhist hermeneutics. Discussing the Sutra Unraveling the Thought on the Mind Only School's differentiation of sutra passages requiring interpretation and those that are definitive.
dc:title |
YT_008_0069, Yeshe Tupden on Dzong-ka-ba's "Essence of Good Explanations" 宗喀巴《辨了不了義善說藏論》
dc:type |
r4r:hasProvenance |