LO_001_0024, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Perfection of Wisdom 般若

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rdf:type data:Reused, r4r:RRObject, dcat:Dataset
r4r:locateAt http://data.odw.tw/record/d3307593
dcat:themeTaxonomy data:Multimedia
  • Tape recorder: Jeffrey Hopkins
  • Donator: Jeffrey Hopkins
  • Temporal: 16th century
  • Spatial: Tibet
  • Author: Pan-chen So-nam-drak-ba / pan chen bsod nams grags pa / 班欽‧索南札巴 (1478-1554)
  • Speaker: Denma Locho Rinpoche (ldan ma blo chos, b. 1928, 登馬洛確仁波切). Abbot Emeritus of Namgyal Monastery, India.
dc:date Recording Date: 1988
  • 原音下載網址(Mp3URL): http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/voice/Locho/LO_001_Perfection_of_Wisdom/LO_001_0024.mp3
  • AcquireMethod: Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins
  • 原資料庫網頁(Mp3WebPage): http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/haaweb/webpages/Denma_Locho/Denma_Locho.htm#perfection
  • Notes: The Perfection of Wisdom topic describes path structure and the qualities of an enlightened being.
  • Recording Location: University of Virginia, U.S.A.
  • SampleRate: 44.1 KHz
  • SingleStereo: single
  • FileSize: 191,392 Kb
  • Duration: 00:37:02
  • AudioBitRate: 705 Kbps
  • FileType: mp3
  • Quantity: 1 file
  • Medium: digital file
dc:identifier LO_001_0024
dc:language Tibetan
dc:relation Is Based On: Pan-chen So-nam-drak-ba (pan chen bsod nams grags pa, 1478–1554) General Meaning of (Maitreya's) "Ornament for Clear Realization" / A Good Explanation of the Meaning of (Gyel-tsap's) "Explanation Illuminating the Meaning of (Maitreya's) 'Treatise of Quintessential Instructions on the Perfection of Wisdom, Ornament for Clear Realization,' Together with Its Commen-taries, Ornament for the Essence," A Lamp Illuminating the Meaning of the Mother [Perfection of Wisdom Sutras] phar phyin spyi don/shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag gi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs pa'i rgyan 'grel pa dang bcas pa'i rnam bshad snying po rgyan gyi don legs par bshad pa yum don gsal ba'i sgron me
  • DigiCopyOwners: Jeffrey Hopkins | Chung-hwa Institue of Buddhist Studies
  • OriginalProvider: Jeffrey Hopkins
  • DigiCopyCollocations: Dharma Drum Mountain, Taipei
  • AccessRestriction: nonprofit, for education and research
  • HolderName: Jeffrey Hopkins
dc:source Hopkins' archive
  • SubjectMatter: Pan-chen So-nam-drak-ba's Lo-sel-ling textbook commentary on Maitreya's "Ornament for Clear realization." A basic text on the Perfection of Wisdom topic.
  • Keywords: shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa/perfection of wisdom/般若; bden pa gnyis|bden gnyis/two truths/二諦; kun rdzob bden pa/conventional truth/samvrtti satya/世俗諦; don dam bden pa/ultimate truth/paramartha satya/勝義諦; chos sku/tathagata body|truth body/dharmakaya/法身; sangs rgyas/buddhahood/enlightenment/成佛; ye shes/exalted wisdom/prajna/般若智; skyabs gsum/three refuges/三皈依; de nyid/suchness/dharmata/法性; de bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po/Buddha nature/tathagatagarbha/如來藏; sku gsum/three Buddha bodies/trikaya/三身; rnam pa thams cad mkhyen pa/exalted knower of all aspects/sarvakara jnana/一切相智|一切種智; Superior's wisdom of meditative equipoise/根本定智; mngon rtogs rgyan/Ornament for Clear Realization/abhisamayalamkara/現觀莊嚴論
  • Sect: dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格魯
  • Genre: Textbook commentary (yig cha)
dc:title LO_001_0024, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Perfection of Wisdom 般若
dc:type voice
r4r:hasProvenance http://data.odw.tw/record/p20160530-d3307593


Field Value
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