DL_002_0005, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on Nagarjuna, "Six Collections of Reasonings" 六理聚論
Get Refined RecordsMETADATA
Field | Value |
rdf:type | data:Reused, r4r:RRObject, dcat:Dataset |
r4r:locateAt | http://data.odw.tw/record/d3108609 |
dcat:themeTaxonomy | data:Multimedia |
dc:coverage |
dc:creator |
dc:date | Recording Date: 1972 |
dc:description |
dc:format |
dc:identifier | DL_002_0005 |
dc:language | Tibetan |
dc:publisher | Donator: Jeffrey Hopkins |
dc:relation |
dc:rights |
dc:source | Hopkins' archive |
dc:subject |
dc:title | DL_002_0005, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on Nagarjuna, "Six Collections of Reasonings" 六理聚論 |
dc:type | voice |
r4r:hasProvenance | http://data.odw.tw/record/p20160530-d3108609 |