18800311 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Went with Mr. Wilkie to the city of Indore & saw the Palace and in the eve. I preached quite a number present. -
18840709 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Went on a junk -- 3 P.M. Kelung-- -
有關偕叡理牧師之土地契約書一批 Get Refined Records
內容描述:偕叡理牧師當時所購置的土地契約。 -
18741105 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:汽船入港來到鼻仔頭,德馬太醫生由船上下來,他是來自台灣府的老朋友,很高興看見他頂著光禿禿的頭進來,因為在台灣海峽上恐怖的海象,使得他的帽子被強風吹走,我們聊起舊日的時光真是令人愉快,特別是傍晚時分我們在房中升起爐火坐在四周是多麼的愉快啊。; 內容摘要說明:In came the Steamer and on up to... -
18841116 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Cool & Cloudy sick-- -
18890428 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:in the shade. Most oppressive… weather. Spoke in the Col. several times about John Knox. Clouds began together and at 6 p.m. down came the rain in torrents. Thunders... -
18720324 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Thirty baptized and communion observed; then bade them adieu and returned to Toa-sia. Fifteen baptized---- A very large gathering in the eve. Many Chinamen present. What... -
18770731 Get Refined Records
18941017 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:It is a fine day. -
18861214 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Got a little Sleep. O how refreshing. The world that sleeps knowing nothing of sleepless nights. Improving every day---- So think of heaven is so sweet to the sufferer. -
18900206 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Still a fine day. Hos. at noon --- Many patients mostly soldiers _ -
18740308 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:禮拜堂中相當的擁擠。; 內容摘要說明:Chapel building quite crowded. -
18910529 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Heavy rain' we took chairs to Tang-mng-thau and arrived at 11 a.m. Had a good eve. meeting and heard recitations as usual… -
18750611 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:昨晚無法成眠,整個晚上在教堂中踱步,一個學生熬夜到半夜為我準備藥糊,然後另一個學生取代他的位置。許多的癤瘡長在脊椎以及身體兩側,這使得躺臥下 來變得不可能,除了瘡口疼痛以外是身體的痛苦。悽慘的夜晚!現在是白晝,在竹叢下教書,所有的時間都在地上踱步。 ; 內容摘要說明:Got no Sleep last night' paced the... -
18790628 Get Refined Records
18750804 Get Refined Records
18880113 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:--Another lovely day with the sun up bright and clear. Indeed it was a hot' sultry day and we hurried on to Sau-hut and there met Dr. warburgh. The sun poured down his... -
18910215 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Still have snow on the mountain. Preached in College to all assembled. -
18791222 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Lovely day. -
18880803 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:in the sun 120'- attending to the essays from the students in the country all being away for a while Jamiesons with their letter again. How wearisome- Sang with our...
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