LA_002_0072, Lati Rinpoche on "Concentrations and Formless Absorptions" 禪定與無色界定 Get Refined Records
AcquireMethod:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins; Notes:An encyclopedic reference work on Buddhist meditation;... -
NL_003_0113, Kensur Nawang Lekden teaching Jam-yang-shay-ba's Great Expositio... Get Refined Records
Notes:An encyclopedic reference work on Indian and Tibetan Madhyamika philosophy.; AcquireMethod:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins; Recording Location: Tibet House: Cambridge, WI, USA;... -
NL_002_0162, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Jam-yang-shay-ba, "Great Exposition of ... Get Refined Records
原資料庫網頁(Mp3WebPage):http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/haaweb/webpages/Ngawang_Lekden/Lekden.htm#tenet; AcquireMethod:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins; Notes:[See Jeffrey Hopkins, Maps of the... -
ZP_002_0021, Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche on Mipam Gyatso, "The Meaning of Fundame... Get Refined Records
AcquireMethod:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins; 原資料庫網頁(Mp3WebPage):http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/haaweb/webpages/Ketsun_Sangbo/Ketsun_Sangbo.htm#meaning; Recording Location: the Union of... -
LO_006_0016, Denma Locho Rinpoche on Tibetan Debate 西藏辯經 Get Refined Records
Recording Location: University of Virginia, U.S.A.; 原資料庫網頁(Mp3WebPage): http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/haaweb/webpages/Denma_Locho/Denma_Locho.htm#debate; AcquireMethod: Donated by... -
YT_004_0003, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-don's "Difference Between Sutra and Ta... Get Refined Records
Recording Location: University of Virginia, U.S.A.; Notes: A general presentation on the difference between sutra and tantra from the point of view of the famous Sa-kya scholar... -
ZP_002_0074, Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche on Mipam Gyatso, "The Meaning of Fundame... Get Refined Records
Recording Location: the Union of the Modern and the Ancient (UMA) in Boonesville, Virginia, USA.;... -
LO_006_0006, Denma Locho Rinpoche on Tibetan Debate 西藏辯經 Get Refined Records
原音下載網址(Mp3URL): http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/voice/Locho/LO_006_Tibetan_Debate/LO_006_0006.mp3; 原資料庫網頁(Mp3WebPage):... -
YT_008_0029, Yeshe Tupden on Dzong-ka-ba's "Essence of Good Explanations" 宗喀巴... Get Refined Records
Recording Location: University of Virginia, U.S.A.; AcquireMethod: Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins; 原資料庫網頁(Mp3WebPage):... -
NL_003_0023, Kensur Nawang Lekden teaching Jam-yang-shay-ba's Great Expositio... Get Refined Records
原音下載網址(Mp3URL):http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/voice/Ngawang_Lekden/NL_003_Great_Exposition_of_the_Middle_Way/NL_003_0028.mp3; AcquireMethod:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins; Notes:An... -
NL_002_0049, Kensur Ngawang Lekden on Jam-yang-shay-ba, "Great Exposition of ... Get Refined Records
原資料庫網頁(Mp3WebPage):http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/haaweb/webpages/Ngawang_Lekden/Lekden.htm#tenet; AcquireMethod:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins;... -
YT_008_0078, Yeshe Tupden on Dzong-ka-ba's "Essence of Good Explanations" 宗喀巴... Get Refined Records
AcquireMethod: Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins; 原音下載網址(Mp3URL): http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/voice/Yeshe_Tubten/YT_008_Essence_of_Good_Explanations/YT_008_0078.mp3; Notes: An encyclopedic... -
賊 Get Refined Records
標題字幕: 有; 聲音: 立體聲; 摘要/大綱: 介紹文字-賊的意義與典故; 對白/旁白字幕: 有 -
推廣講座照片001 Get Refined Records
演出地點: 台灣∕台北; 藝術總監: 王安祈; 內容描述: 王冠強導演教導學生戲曲基本身段。; 製作人: 陳兆虎 -
《烏龍院-坐樓刺惜》演出照003 Get Refined Records
藝術總監: 王安祈; 服裝設計: 蔡毓芬; 主排: 張義奎; 演出者: 宋江-唐文華 飾; 內容描述: 宋江嚥不下這口氣,決定要和妻子閻惜姣攤牌。(宋江-唐文華); 舞台設計: 傅寯; 演出地點: 台灣╱台北╱社教館城市舞台; 燈光設計: 任懷民; 製作人: 陳兆虎 -
LA_001_0034, La-ti-Rin-po-che-bsdus-grwa-at-UVa Get Refined Records
Notes:The debate textbook "Magical Key to the Path of Reasoning, Presentation of the Collected Topics Revealing the Meaning of the Treatises on Prime Cognition" discuss;... -
瀑布之旅 Get Refined Records
摘要/大綱: 陽明山國家公園,除了火山地形,還包括雙溪、大屯溪等十三條自大屯山火山群而出的水系,在雙溪的上游有一個陽明山國家公園裡最壯觀的瀑布那就是聖人瀑布、像一位清秀佳人的絹絲瀑布、兩段式瀑布的大屯瀑布在上游地區有不少湍流和瀑布,景觀都非常壯觀本集將引導兒童觀察務部四周岩層景觀,傾聽瀑布聲,並測定瀑布氣流之變化 ; 標題字幕: 有; 聲音:... -
DL_001_0005, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on Dzong-ka-ba, "Medium Exposit... Get Refined Records
Notes:An encyclopedic reference work on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment.; 原資料庫網頁(Mp3WebPage):http://haa.chibs.edu.tw/haaweb/webpages/Dalai_Lama/Dalai_Lama.htm#middling;... -
《三個人兒兩盞燈》演出照002 Get Refined Records
導演: 李小平; 編腔: 李超; 舞台設計: 傅雋; 編劇: 王安祈、趙雪君; 燈光設計: 任懷民; 製作人: 陳兆虎; 配樂: 盧亮輝; 內容描述: 雙月在宮中尋不著真愛,懶敷脂粉,廣芝好言相勸。左起廣芝:王耀星飾;雙月:陳美蘭飾。; 演出地點: 台灣∕台北; 服裝設計: 蔡毓芬 -
《鳳還巢》演出照007 Get Refined Records
製作人: 陳兆虎; 主排: 張義奎; 演出地點: 台灣∕台北; 內容描述: 南方賊寇作亂,洪功掛帥,保奏程浦幫辦軍務(洪功-盛鑑飾演)