18810206 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:In forenoon preached to good number in Lorrance ch. Afternoon large gathering of children in Mr. Smiths-in eve. Ball's ch. 1500. I think grand meeting. Charming weather'... -
18801003 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Alex & myself drove to Norwich & Windham & back home same night dark as pitch & wet ---- -
18760618 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Opened the Au-po chapel eve. Went to Sin-tiam; 內容摘要說明:後埔教會開幕,晚上去新店 -
18871007 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Windy all night through I arose early found a clear sky and Sunshine Sea Still roaring. Worship in eve. Several Students sick with fever----- -
18810513 Get Refined Records
This dataset has no description
18760109 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:五股坑; 內容摘要說明:Go-ko-khiN -
18721223 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Parts of the Epistles and Geography occupied us with writing--; 內容摘要說明:研讀保羅書信的的部分內容以及地理學和寫字。 -
18721213 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:提摩太是下一個研讀的主題。一開始只是他的個性。; 內容摘要說明:Timothy was the next studied. at first Just his characteristics. -
18720529 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:練習世界地圖以及地球儀。 學習保羅的講道。 ; 內容摘要說明:Map of the world drilling' also 'globe exercises. Lessons on Paul's sermons. -
18841104 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:At the house not very well. -
18930416 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Baro. 30-12. I spoke in chapel here on Psalm XX: 5 and afternoon 2 p.m. on 2 Lim II:3. Also in the eve. See. Beside road to Hos. Brick put up over dead Man's bones &... -
18900220 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Wet and cloudy _ col. work as usual. Hos. also Dr. Angear not present Splendid meeting this eve. All did well in Bible truth etc. Geography -
18720805 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Spoke on Mercury and Corinthians.; 內容摘要說明:講述水星以及哥林多書。 -
18760621 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:came out to Au-po; 內容摘要說明:前去後埔 -
18881201 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Started at day-break and went on rapidly towards the City where we arrived in time to enter the streets and extracted teeth' heal the sick and walk on the wall before... -
18800713 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Went to Wm McDonald's' Rev. W. a. McKay & a Mr. Hurst came --- -
18760420 Get Refined Records
This dataset has no description
18720504 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:A Hoa read six chapters of John in my hearing. I also read for him to criticize my Chinese. Splendid fellow' Just a 'God send'. Again invited the Foreigners to worship on... -
18860425 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明:Addressed large crowds in the streets. Then came out to Tamsui on the steam launch. Arrived at 5 P.M. -
18940401 Get Refined Records
內容摘要說明: All day in Rev. R. P. Mackay. Not feeling well.