學名: Myrmecia forficata (Fabricius, 1787) Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of Australia -
學名: Echthromorpha agrestoria agrestoria (Swederus, 1787) Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of AustraliaTime 20 Century; 21 Century; 18 Century -
學名: Echthromorpha agrestoria agrestoria (Swederus, 1787) Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of Australia -
學名: Eurycryptus decoratus (Smith, 1862) Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of Australia -
學名: Sphinctomyrmex steinheili Forel, 1900 Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of AustraliaTime 21 Century; 19 Century -
訂正後拉丁新學名: Camptotypus calliptera Saussure Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of AustraliaTime 21 Century -
學名: Echthromorpha intricatoria (Fabricius, 1804) Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of Australia; Xinnan -
學名: Camptotypus calliptera Saussure Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of Australia -
學名: Polyrhachis guerini Roger, 1863 Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of Australia -
學名: Amblyopone australis Erichson, 1842 Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of AustraliaTime 21 Century; 19 Century -
學名: Podomyrma gratiosa gratiosa (Smith, 1858) Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of Australia -
學名: Camptotypus sellatus Kriechbaumer, 1889 Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of AustraliaTime 21 Century; 19 Century -
學名: Machomyrma dispar (Forel, 1895) Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of Australia -
學名: Melophorus aeneovirens (Lowne, 1865) Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of Australia -
學名: Sphinctomyrmex steinheili Forel, 1900 Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of Australia -
學名: Epopostruma quadrispinosa (Forel, 1910) Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of Australia -
學名: Glabridorsum stokesii (Cameron, 1912) Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of Australia -
學名: Machomyrma dispar (Forel, 1895) Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of Australia -
學名: Carebara corniger (Forel, 1902) Get DC15 Records
Placenames Commonwealth of Australia